Artwork Services

Home Artwork Services

At In A Flash Laser, we take your finished designs and laser engrave them onto products.

If your design is a work in progress, a vision, or just an idea, you will find information on this page to help you transform your inspiration into an engravable design.

We have compiled a list of resources for our customers who need a little design support. We also offer artwork services for $80/hour;  estimated times for some services are listed below. Feel free to email us to discuss your project.

If you’re a small business owner or just curious about graphic formats, take a look at this article: Why Businesses Should Own Their Logo Artwork and Raster Art Vs Vector Art



DIY Resource Order From Us
Get an Electronic Proof (without placing an order) You can request an electronic proof from our web store when you place your order. If you decide to cancel the order, we will refund everything except the $10 proofing charge (iPads and laptops include a free proof). Proofs include one free change request.
Use our online designer at:
If you’d like to receive an electronic proof without placing an order, you can. $10
Order Here
Remove Unwanted Backgrounds $5
Order Here
Vectorize Low Resolution Logos $10
Order Here
Search For Images
1/2 to 1 hour
per topic
Order Here
Get Layout Help/ Combine Text & Graphics Use our online designer at 1/4 to 2 hours
per layout
Order Here
Create Completely Custom Artwork Ask around on,, or try the service provided by 2 to ? hours
Order Here


The table above contains estimate times. Many factors impact how long it takes to design your engraving artwork. The more changes you want to make, the longer it will take.

Artwork fees must paid before the design process begins.  If you end up using more time than you’ve paid for, the additional fees will need to be paid before work is continued.  If you over-pay, the balance will be refunded or applied towards your engraving costs.

Tips for designing your artwork
Simple is better! Black and white images always come out well.  Images with shading and gradients can get muddled when laser engraved.  High-contrast photos work on some materials, but not on others.  Check our FAQs for more information on engraving photos.

Artwork Fees
Artwork fees are billed per hour. For your convenience, you can purchase graphic design time right along with your engraving. The amount of time can vary based different factors. Here are some tips to help streamline the design process:

1. Please have a vector copy of your logo.  Common formats are EPS, AI, sometimes PDF.
2. Provide high resolution images.
3. Figure out what text you want to include.
4. Tell us if there is a specific font you would like us to use.
5. Provide as much information as possible so that we know what look you’re going for. The more you tell us, the easier it will be for us to give you what you want in the least amount of time.

Not sure what to pay?  We’d be happy to provide a customized estimate.